Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our school

We have decided to show our friends school and our school-life.

Children have made this video themselves. Teacher just gave them camera and let children decide what to show their friends in Malta. It was really big excitement, especially interviewing our headmaster. Children did great job and are happy and proud after seeing results.

We are looking forward to see our friends in Malta and their school.

Rozhodli sme sa ukázať našim priateľom školu a náš život v škole. Deti robili video samé, pani učiteľka im dala do rúk kameru a nechala ich rozhodnúť, čo ukážu svojim priateľom na Malte. Bolo to naozaj veľké vzrušenie, predovšetkým rozhovor s pani riaditeľkou školy. Deti urobili skvelú prácu a sú naozaj šťastné a hrdé po vzhliadnutí výsledku ich snaženia.

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear Friends,

    It is wonderful to see you and your school and class are very big. Your English singing is excellent. Keep it Up!
