Sunday, March 21, 2010

Decorating Muffins

Children brought muffins to school and they decorated them and changed them into sheep and chicks.

Children enjoyed this activity very much.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Song about Noah´s ark from Slovakia

We have decided to create our own song about Noah´s arch and one of our pupils - Richard composed one himself. We like his song and you can see how happy we are to sing it :)

Animals - working with voki

It was a big excitement to discover voki. We have tried to create our pets and animals we like and describe them. We have spent lots of time with this and realized that this is funny way how to learn English...

Bolo to naozaj vzrušujúce objaviť voki. Pokúsili sme sa vytvoriť  zvieratá a popísať ich, strávili sme veľa času objavovaním ďalších možností tejto stránky a zistili sme, že učiť sa anglicky je vlastne zábava.....


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

These results were discussed during a Maths lesson and the children had chance to type out the results on the teacher's laptop.

Results from Graphs

The results we got from the 2 graphs are very interesting.

1. Maltese children have 37 pets. (Daniela)
2. Slovak children have 15 pets. (Eric)
3. Maltese children have more pets than Slovak children . (Miraine)
4. Slovak children have the least number of pets. (Sion)
5. Maltese children have more tortoises than Slovak children. (Chanelle)
6. Slovak children have more hamsters than Maltese children. (Sonique)
7. The most popular pet in Slovakia is the dog. (Kimberly)
8. The most popular pet in both countries is the dog. (Joseph)
9. The least popular pets in both countries are birds and hamsters. (Zane)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Our town Bratislava

How to present our town? It was not so difficult to decide. We have worked with a big enthusiasms on our "Booklet of Bratislava". We are going to send it to our friends in Malta. You can see presentation of booklet here.

Ako prezentovať naše mesto? Nebolo ťažké rozhodnúť sa. Pracovali sme s veľkým nadšením na "Knižočke o Bratislave". Túto knižku pošleme našim priateľom na Maltu. Tu si môžete pozrieť jej prezentáciu.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here We Are To Say HELLO!

Hello, this is Malta calling...
Here is a short video of ourselves and our school. The music accompanying the video is our National Anthem.
You can also see us on two powerpoint presentations we have uploaded in Twinspace.

Our school

We have decided to show our friends school and our school-life.

Children have made this video themselves. Teacher just gave them camera and let children decide what to show their friends in Malta. It was really big excitement, especially interviewing our headmaster. Children did great job and are happy and proud after seeing results.

We are looking forward to see our friends in Malta and their school.

Rozhodli sme sa ukázať našim priateľom školu a náš život v škole. Deti robili video samé, pani učiteľka im dala do rúk kameru a nechala ich rozhodnúť, čo ukážu svojim priateľom na Malte. Bolo to naozaj veľké vzrušenie, predovšetkým rozhovor s pani riaditeľkou školy. Deti urobili skvelú prácu a sú naozaj šťastné a hrdé po vzhliadnutí výsledku ich snaženia.